...Jesus loves the little children of the world!
Sorry, thinking about race and gender reminded me of my favorite song as a kid when I would go to sunday school or vacation bible school. Sigh, the good ol' days.
Anyways, I have to admit I am really excited to get into the material for this class. I signed up for the course because it is not very often you see a class specifically devoted to stereotypes about gender and race. I have never been any sort of activist for racial rights or any kind of feminist, but I have always had an interest in the subject. I took sociology last year and absolutely loved it; digging into the minds of people and finding out why we do the things we do. So even though this class counts for an upper-division JMC elective, I am taking 18 hours to specifically be in this course.
To me, race and gender play a HUGE role in society today. Yes, I know, how common of me to say that. But seriously, most people don't even give this subject a second thought. Something that always boggles my mind is how inter-racial relationships go unnoticed these days...for the most part.
My aunt's best friend from high school (caucasian) married an african-american man and had two kids. Those kids are by far the most adorable human beings I have ever seen in my life. The kicker is my grandmother refused to visit the woman simply because of the fact she married into a different race, even though my grandmother had known this woman for a very very long time. I know that growing up with certain beliefs and such stay with a person, but I was appalled at such acts. I guess our generation grew up with more acceptance to people different than ourselves. And people stick to what they know.
We are going to open some doors, but it will be you and your classmates that have to step out of your boxes. I was talking to my aunt the other day about the election, and she said the more things change, the more they stay the same. Let's see what we found out in this class. I am glad you are ready...