Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Automatic Admission for Racial Minorities?!

I searched and searched and searched on thoroughly through EVERY Big 12 university site for race-based admissions, but to no avail. The only thing I could find pertaining to admissions were SAT/ACT scores, GPAs, and in-state/out-of-state regulations. The only thing I found pertaining to race, were articles written about lawsuits dealing with race-based admissions, or projects students did through the law programs. 
The one thing I did notice was that each university promoted diversity in different ways. For instance, they each had a link, somewhere from the main page or the page for prospective students, describing the particular student diversity at each school. There were no exact implications saying whether they had certain admissions for minority races or anything to that extent. They simply stated that they were diverse in their student population. I feel that since I found so many instances of lawsuits against race-based admissions during my search, that universities do not specifically state they have certain regulations and quotas for races, but it is implied. 


  1. Actually, the implication of diversity would be that they recognize and want diversity on their campus. However, that differs from using race as criteria for admission. We could ask Dean Evans about that on Monday?

  2. I think that race should not be a factor to be admitted to college. That sounds ridiculous to me because they are just trying to meeting a specific quota. Race should never be a factor because it should not matter to universities. If there are already lawsuits due to race, then it should be taken out. It should be about why the person earned it and why they want to attend the certain university. The acceptance should be due to being in the top 10% and anyone after them along the lines of scores and gpa. Race should never be an issue. It is good if a university has a diverse campus, but it shouldn't focus on any particular races being admitted just for simply being a certain race that needed to be added to the college. Colleges should be diverse because those people earned to be accepted to them.
